Mable To Support Prestigious Residency Program For Artists With Disability
Mable, a website for people with disability to connect with people providing support, will help empower the creativity and careers of artists with disability by helping finance an important professional development program at the renowned Bundanon Trust in NSW.
Every year NSW’s peak arts and disability organisation Accessible Arts presents an artist-in-residence program in partnership with the Bundanon Trust, one of Australia’s leading cultural estates. The program sends five artists with disability from NSW and the ACT to the Bundanon property in southern NSW for a seven-day residency where they create artworks, develop their professional practice and forge new creative collaborations with the other artists.
This year’s program was facing a funding shortfall due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and was unlikely to proceed. However, thanks to the new partnership with Mable – along with donations from community members – the program is now proceeding.
Five successful applicants will now be funded to undertake a residency at Bundanon from 13 – 19 September. Participants will be accommodated in accessible self-catering cabins incorporating an artist’s studio. They will also be given a bursary to cover per diems. Applications close on Monday 12 July:
The Bundanon Trust is a beautiful rural property near Nowra in NSW that was gifted to the Australian people by famous Australian artist Arthur Boyd. The estate now supports arts practice and engagement with the arts through residency, education, exhibition and performance programs.
Accessible Arts Interim CEO Morwenna Collett: “Artists with disability don’t always get the same opportunities as artists without disability due to a range of physical, financial, and cultural barriers. This program is all about trying to level the playing field for professional artists with disability so they can take their creativity and their careers to the next level.
“The Bundanon Trust Artist-in-Residence program is the largest of its kind in Australia, making it highly sought after by artists nationally. The residencies have been important steppingstones in the careers of many successful Australian artists, and this is what makes our annual initiative an incredibly valuable creative and career development opportunity for artists with disability.
“We’re incredibly grateful to the team at Mable for supporting this year’s program and helping make real difference in the lives of five very talented artists with disability. Many thanks also to all the community members who donated to our appeal. Their kindness and generosity is greatly appreciated.”
“We are so proud to be partnering with Accessible Arts to support the prestigious Bundanon Trust Artist-in-Residence program. Here at Mable we are passionate about enabling unique and inclusive lives and programs such as these, which foster diversity and inclusion in the arts are so important both for the artists involved and for the wider community,” Mable Chief Marketing Officer Emma Howe said.
For more information about the 2021 Accessible Arts and Bundanon Trust Artist-In-Residence Program please visit:
Michael Badorrek | Marketing & Development Manager
+61 0431 594 007 |
Facebook Post: @Mable, a website for people with disability to connect with people providing support, will help empower the creativity and careers of 5 artists with disability by helping support this year’s @AccessibleArts and @BundanonTrust Artist-In-Residence Program. Mable’s support will provide the artists with a 7-day residency at the prestigious cultural estate in Southern NSW where they will create artworks, develop their professional practice, and forge new creative collaborations with the other artists. Applications close on Monday 12 July: #Mable #Accessible Arts #BundanonTrust #ArtiistResidency #Arts #Disability
Twitter Post: 2021 @AccessibleArts and @BundanonTrust Artist-In-Residence Program to proceed thanks to partnership from @Mable. Applications close on Monday 12 July: #Mable #Accessible Arts #BundanonTrust #ArtiistResidency #Arts #Disability