Artist Advisory Service
Navigating the pathways of professional practice in the creative industries can be challenging.
We’re here to assist artists and arts workers with disability to understand how to identify and engage with a whole range of professional opportunities.
Support and Advice
We can provide advice and support in relation to the following:
- Grant applications
- Career development
- Grant auspicing
- Letters of support
What to Expect
We offer a 30-minute online consultation or guidance via email. Please note that due to our capacity, it may take up to two weeks to hear back from us after submitting your request. If you haven’t received a response after two weeks, you’re welcome to follow up, but we kindly ask you not to do so before this time.
To find out more or make an appointment, please contact:
Amy Mills, Arts Development Manager: amills@aarts.net.au | (02) 9251 6499
Image: Natural Women Collection (credit: Canva)