Work With Us
We welcome your involvement with Accessible Arts, and have a number of opportunities for you to consider.
We’re looking for NSW and ACT-based arts practitioners with disability or who are d/Deaf to become Accessible Arts Advisors. As an Advisor, you will work with us on various projects relating to disability, access and the arts. We would also draw on your expertise for a range of projects, to make the arts more accessible across NSW.
From time to time we come across artists with disability who are keen to be mentored, in such areas as visual art, writing and performance. If you are a willing mentor or a keen mentee, then contact us at info@aarts.net.au and put Mentoring Opportunities in the subject line.
Our small and dedicated team of volunteers make an enormous contribution to what we do. If you would like to volunteer for Accessible Arts, please send your resume to info@aarts.net.au.
We offer a range of volunteer opportunities in our organisation, which also helps volunteers develop a new range of skills and broaden their knowledge. Volunteers may be recruited to assist with one off events, and for long-term appointments.
Student placements will be considered if they are relevant to the work we do, and the arts and disability sector.
We strongly encourage people with disability to apply.
Image description: Four AArts team members presenting at the Australian Ticketing Professionals Conference.