Help fund talented Australian artists
Pledge your support to help fund eight exceptionally talented Australian artists with disability to perform in Berlin!
Your gift will help them to take centre stage at Meeting Place, the central component of the Australia-Berlin Arts Exchange Project, an international Arts and Disability festival organised by Arts Access Australia. The festival is on now, and is showcasing some of the best artists with disabilities from Australia and Germany!
What is Meeting Place?
Meeting Place is a unique festival concept that pushes boundaries because it is truly disability-led; it features disabled artists, key note speakers, event organisers and other contributors – all of them living with disability. This is about people with disabilities leading the discussion and being centre-stage. People with disabilities have been spoken about, spoken to and spoken for but now – in Berlin – eight artists will be doing the speaking with powerful voices through their extraordinary art. Performances will be open to the public to promote universal access.
Your support
The artists require one-on-one support either because they are in a wheelchair, are vision impaired, have intellectual challenges or are deaf and need sign language interpreters. Your gift will help get their carers there. Each disability arts festival and conference event requires live captioning, AUSLAN interpreters and braille facilities. Your pledge will help to get all eight artists to get the support they need to participate equally in Berlin.