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Admit All

Admit All: Accessibility Standards for Live Music

Accessible Arts is excited to be working on the new initiative Admit All: Accessibility Standards for NSW Live Music Venues and Festivals.

Admit All is a tiered framework that aims to provide music venues and festivals with a step-by-step roadmap to make positive and practical changes in order to increase access and inclusion for musicians, employees and audiences.

Led by renowned access consultant and disabled musician, Morwenna Collett, this program will cover online and on-site accessibility features. Developed in consultation with people with disability or who are d/Deaf, we are also working closely with industry leaders and an experienced Steering Committee.

Building on the extensive consultation already undertaken for the project, the Steering Committee is currently in the process of selecting 10 venues and festivals of various sizes (from larger organisations such as Sydney Opera House and Laneway festival, to smaller venues such as Knox St. bar and Crow Bar) and covering both Sydney metro and regional areas. These venues will then complete Admit All’s pilot program.

As part of this process, each venue will receive Disability Confidence Training and Music Industry Access & Inclusion Masterclass training as well as ongoing peer support. Each organisation will work closely with a Project Team who will review their current practices and make recommendations for next steps via individualised Roadmaps. This process will culminate in the creation of a comprehensive case-study for each organisation.

Admit All Steering Committee

Dan Pash – deaf musician, academic and Admit All Project Manager
Eliza Hull – award-winning musician, writer and disability advocate
Dina Basille – award-winning advocate for accessibility in the music industry, Founder of Tibi Access
Julia Collins – Operations Manager, Fuzzy Events
Chris O’Neill – APRA AMCOS
Joe Muller – CEO, MusicNSW
Stuart Rogers – Director of Programming, City Recital Hall
Bjorn Godwin – Manager, Knox St Bar
Liz Martin – CEO, Accessible Arts

This Accessible Arts initiative is funded by Sound NSW with support from Music NSW.


Image description: An illustration of a pink ticket with a white border. The ticket features numerous horizontal white lines and text which reads: Admit All, Accessible Arts. The edge of light purple tickets appear above and below.

Admit All Supporter Logos including NSW Government, Sound NSW, Music NSW and Accessible Arts