Love What You Do

Jobs and Opportunities

Accessible Arts is committed to advancing opportunities for people with disability or who are d/Deaf to develop and sustain professional careers in the arts.

Arts practitioners with disability or who are d/Deaf are encouraged to apply for the below positions and opportunities. The organisations listed have demonstrated a commitment to provide access where possible.


Expressions of Interest – Implementation Advisory Group for ‘Equity: the Arts and Disability Associated Plan’

An Expression of Interest is now open for roles as part of a group of people with disability who will give advice to the Australian Government on issues affecting d/Deaf and disabled artists and arts workers, and people with disability taking part in arts and culture.

The Office for the Arts (OFTA) is establishing an Implementation Advisory Group (the Advisory Group) to help implement activities under Equity: the Arts and Disability Associated Plan (the Plan). The Advisory Group will be made up of d/Deaf and disabled artists and arts workers from diverse backgrounds with experience in the arts, screen, digital games or cultural sectors as paid members. This will ensure people with disability are part of implementing, monitoring and evaluating key activities under the Plan. Members will be paid for their time preparing and attending meetings.

The Plan was developed in collaboration with artists and art workers with disability, and will be delivered by OFTA and Creative Australia, in close consultation with Screen Australia. It is an action under Australia’s National Cultural Policy, Revive and is an Associated Plan under Australia’s Disability Strategy 2021-2031.

If you would like to find out more about the Advisory Group and the EOI process, you can find all the information on the Arts and Disability webpage.  To subscribe for updates on the Plan, explore further opportunities to be involved or provide feedback, please use the contact form.

Expressions of Interest close at 4pm on Monday 5 May 2025.

Creatives Collective are looking to play the work of musical artists with disability during the creative part of the meeting as background music while people work. They will be paying $5 per play per work. A maximum of 10 songs/pieces will be played each month (mixed artists). Details of the songs played will be available to people attending Online Art Friends and in the marketing material each month.

Musician / Artist Opportunity

Ability Beyond Boundaries is looking for a musician or artist who would like to collaborate with a lovely team of people with disability in developing lyric writing skills. If you have a passion to utilise your experience and musical talent to support song writing for people with disabilities, contact Zhila Hasanloo via mobile 0428 307 052 or email People with disability are encouraged to apply and be involved.

Showcast – Casting Opportunities

The Casting Guild of Australia together with Showcast have launched a free professional tool aimed to increase the representation of performers with disability or who are d/Deaf by showcasing the pool of talent to industry professionals. The dedicated platform will be hosted on Showcast’s website and be made available to national casting directors, agents and producers, and include self-taped video footage of individual performers, as well as a headshots and CVs.

If you have a job or an opportunity you wish to be considered for promoting on this webpage, please email


Image Description: Black capital letters on a white background read: LOVE WHAT YOU DO.

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