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Createability Internship Program Now Open

The Createability Internship Program is a unique partnership between Create NSW, Accessible Arts and a range of major arts and screen organisations.

What does the Createability Internship Program include?

The Program includes customised training for up to eight participants with disability facilitated by Accessible Arts, followed by paid internships in major organisations across the arts, screen and cultural sectors.

Which are the major organisations?

The host organisation include Sydney Opera House, Sydney Festival, Museum of Contemporary Art Australia, Campbelltown Arts Centre, ABC, SBS, Nine, Carriageworks, National Theatre of Paramatta, Animal Logic, Goalpost Pictures, Jungle Entertainment and Art Gallery of NSW. Industry training partners include AFTRS and Bus Stop Films.

What areas will the interns work in?

The internships will be in a variety of creative and technical areas including marketing, curating, production, front of house, arts administration, public programs, writing, producing, editing and more.

What will be process be?

After being matched with an organisation, a work program will be developed based on the skills and interests of each participant, alongside the opportunities and requirements of the organisation. Interns without prior experience will be provided with bespoke job-ready training.

Who is eligible to apply?

Any NSW-based person with disability, over the age of 18, who has been actively engaged in or seeking a career opportunity in the arts, screen and cultural sector is eligible. Applications are encouraged from eligible people with all levels of previous experience including those new to the workforce.

What about my access needs?

All interns will be provided with assistance prior to starting and during the internship, matched to individual access requirements.

When will the internships be run?

The internship commencement dates will be determined by the schedule of the organisation and the availability of the intern.

How long will the internships last?

The internships will vary according to the schedules of the organisations. They may be full time (3 – 4 weeks) or part time (up to 13 weeks at 9 hrs per week).

Can I choose my organisation?

Yes. Create NSW will liaise with each intern to identify the best match from the pool of internships available, or can potentially facilitate a placement in an arts, screen or cultural organisation the intern is interested in.

Will I be paid?

Candidates will not be paid during the training components. However, they will be paid during the internships.

When do applications close?

Applications close at 5 pm on Friday 24 August.

How do I apply?

Applications are encouraged using the online form:

Are there other ways to apply?

Yes, applicants are welcome to apply in any accessible format, for example by email, audio file, video, handwritten or printed document using one of the following methods.

By email: or
By post: GPO Box 7060, Sydney, NSW 2001
In person: Level 5, 323 Castlereagh Street, Sydney, NSW 2000

If I have questions?

Amelia Carew-Reid
Manager, Practitioner and Audience Development

Josipa Draisma
Practitioner and Audience Development Officer

Phone: 02 8289 6417 or 02 8289 6418

This is a condensed version of the information presented on the NSW Create website.

This page was first published on 25 July 2018.

Feature image: courtesy of Create NSW

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